FE8, but with just my name-letter sharers Pt1

So I went through a reddit thread about various ideas for a playthrough on Fire Emblem, and decided to try one while only using characters who share at least 1 letter with my first name. That is, A, M and N. Surprisingly, these three letters gave me a very large selection of units. I’ve also decided to combine this with a limit on Valni/Ruins usage, although that shouldn’t be a problem due to plenty of EXP for the reduced roster. Similarly, Arena use is limited to 1 visit per chapter.

Once this playthrough is done I’ll do one with only Characters that have an A in their name. For that one, I’ll have to mod the game again to make all drop Keys be x5 instead of x1 since I can’t use Colm.

Currently at Chapter 9.

Current Roster: #

Unusable: #

Chapter 1 - 5, 6 - 7 #

These chapters were pretty much the same as how I’ve done them on a normal playthrough, except perhaps Chapter 3, which was actually easier due to me not abusing it to promote Journeyman Ross. Also, I’m used to using Seth exclusively on Bosses during early game due to the additional EXP, so that was missing.

Chapter 6 was a bit different without Seth. I’m used to clearing the map, including the Bael, but without Seth, I couldn’t power through to rescue the villagers, and therefore had to kill the Boss before the Bael to end it. I did notice a much more revitalized Garcia/Gilliam combo here, though. These two used to be benched quickly so I rarely saw their utility in these early chapters. They really champed the map this time around. Chapter 7 was more of the same.

Chapter 5x #

This was the first challenge of the game. There was plenty of loot in this map, and not enough slots to carry them. I ended up using Elixers more often than necessary to avoid wasting them in the end. See, I could only use Ephraim here. Forde and Kyle were forced out, and Orson is a waste of EXP. I ended up using all 3 for storage, though. I had hacked this map to harder prior to this playthrough, by boosting enemy stats a bit, giving the Shamans a new 1-3 range spellbook I made, and by making the final boss a Lv1 Hero w/ Steel Blade and Hand Axe who drops the unequipped weapon. By the end of the chapter, Ephraim was at Lv15 (!).

Chapter 8 #

The last chapter before the Route Split. I had to again move Forde and Kyle out of the way early on, using Ephraim and Eirika on the western flank of the map, while Franz dealt with the southwestern reinforcements. like with 5x, I had modded the boss to be a bit harder here, and had to struggle a bit with him with most of my units doing 0-2 damage while he hit back to take out 80% of their HP. Conveniently I had opted against bringing Garcia here, and without Lute and Seth, I had to wait for the OP-as-heck Ephraim to arrive to deal with him.

and now I’m taking a small break. Standby for Part 2, where I’ll cover Ephraim’s Route until the merger. Part 3 will be Eirika’s Route until the same point. Part 4 will be the final stretch of the game.


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