Silver Wind

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FE8, but with just my name-letter sharers Pt1

So I went through a reddit thread about various ideas for a playthrough on Fire Emblem, and decided to try one while only using characters who share at least 1 letter with my first name. That is, A, M and N. Surprisingly, these three letters gave me a very large selection of units. I’ve also decided to combine this with a limit on Valni/Ruins usage, although that shouldn’t be a problem due to plenty of EXP for the reduced roster. Similarly, Arena use is limited to 1 visit per chapter.

Once this playthrough is done I’ll do one with only Characters that have an A in their name. For that one, I’ll have to mod the game again to make all drop Keys be x5 instead of x1 since I can’t use Colm.

Currently at Chapter 9.

Current Roster:

  • Eirika
  • Franz
  • Gilliam
  • Vanessa
  • Moulder (benched in favor of Natasha)
  • Garcia
  • Colm
  • Neimi
  • Artur
  • Natasha
  • Joshua
  • Ephraim


  • Seth
  • Ross
  • Lute
  • Forde
  • Kyle

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Event Budgeting

Questions I’ll be answering

  1. What is budgeting?
  2. Why is it important?
  3. When is it done?
  4. What should be included, and how to go about it?
    • Income
    • Expenses

1. What is budgeting?

Budgeting is the process of creating a plan to spend money. Budgeting for an even is the process of creating a plan for all projected expenses related to an event, thereby allowing the event financer to allocate funding for it.

An event budget is, therefore, a projection (forecast) of the income and expenditure that the event will incur based on plans made and information gathered.

2. Why is it important?

Keeping an event budget will help you stay organized and prepared for any client inquiry - and help you avoid going over budget.

In the initial planning phase, the development of a budget helps to establish whether the event will be viable, It’ll give an idea whether total revenues will cover total...

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Wildlife Tourism in Asia

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10 Places to Visit in Istanbul

This post is part of a series on the city of Istanbul.

  • Destination: Istanbul
  • 10 Places to Visit in Istanbul

Whether you know it by its current name, or its historic names Byzantium and Constantinople, Istanbul is a unique city that sits on two different continents at once.

10. Walls of Constantinople

These are a series of defensive stone walls that have surrounded and protected the city of Constantinople since its founding as the new capital of the Roman Empire by Constantine the Great.
With numerous additions and modifications during their history, they were the last great fortification system of antiquity, and one of the most complex and elaborate systems ever built.

9. Galata Tower

The Galata Tower — called Christea Turris by the Genoese — is a medieval stone tower in the Galata/Karaköy quarter of Istanbul, Turkey, just to the north of the Golden Horn’s junction with the...

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This post is part of a series on the city of Istanbul.

  • Destination: Istanbul
  • 10 Places to Visit in Istanbul

Istanbul, historically known as Constantinople and Byzantium, is the most populous city in Turkey and the country’s economic, cultural, and historic center.

Some more

  1. Originally named the Tower of Christ, the Galata Tower was built in 1348 at the apex of fortified walls and was used to house prisoners of war, later became an observatory, but now offers a 360-degree viewing gallery of the city.
  2. It has been a noted inspiration for authors from Paul Theroux and Ernest Hemingway to Orhan Pamuk and Abdülhak Sinasi Hisar
  3. Istanbul was once renowned as the most crowded city in the world – in 1502.
  4. Istanbul has the third oldest subway in the world, built in 1875. It’s 573 meters long and located in the Beyoglu district.
  5. Istanbul was the European Cultural Capital City in 2010...

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Future Geography of Travel and Tourism

Author: Aman Ahmed


  1. Introduction
  2. Determinants
  3. Transportation
  4. Climate and Environment
  5. Technological Developments
  6. Global Politics
  7. Tourist Flow
  8. Conclusion


The purpose of this report is to paint, in the minds of readers, an image of the future of travel and tourism, whether significantly different, or unchanged from the current situation, based on current trends, potential future events, developments, and various events that can potentially change the geographic aspects of tourism. Moreover, future is being used here in a very broad sense - anywhere between 3 to 30 years from now.


These are things that can have an effect on the outcome of something, in this case, the future geography of travel and tourism. They may be:

  • Developments in transportation
    • Hyper-loop
    • Return of Supersonic Flight
    • Space Tourism
    • Hybrid and Electric Drive
  • Climate &amp...

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How to judge video quality


During my stay here in Ludhiana, on more than one occasion, I’ve come across fellow students discussing or talking about movies they’d downloaded (or were about to) off the internet (via p2p or some ripper community site). That’s fine and all, until the issue of quality comes into discussion. I’m talking about the glaring misconception that HD = high quality.

The purpose of this post isn’t just to point out the misconception. No, I’d like to go the extra step of laying out what various terminology used in those file names mean, and what you should be looking for when you’re looking for a high quality ‘rip’.

The naming scheme

There’s a standard naming scheme used by the warez scene. It is:
Occasionally, the video resolution may be added before the Source, and subtitle info may be added after the codec.

What determines quality


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Windows 10 Mobile

For the past couple of months, I’ve been an Insider with Microsoft for Windows 10 Mobile - the OS that is about to be released to the public in a matter of days. Think of this as a review of sorts, where I will be putting the OS through its paces on my Lumia 735.

Significant Changes

The OS, if you’re updating from WP8.1, has many changes. A long, more complete list of changes can be found at NokiaPowerUser. Below are the most significant changes and features.

  • Continuum - A feature only found in the Windows 10 flagship models - Lumia 950 and 950 XL, this allows you to connect to an external screen, keyboard as well as pointing device and turn that screen into a PC interface. At its simplest, this involves connecting wirelessly to a TV through MiraCast, and using the phone as a keyboard and a trackpad. Alternatively, Microsoft’s Display Dock can be used to connect to TVs that don’t...

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Tile backgrounds in WP8.1

When Windows Phone 7 was released with its fresh new metro interface, there was a notable lack of customizability. The start screen was made of tiles that came in 2 sizes, both of which were space consuming. The background was either black or white, and the tiles could only be one of few preset theme colors.
With Windows Phone 8, and the introduction of smaller, icon-sized tiles, one of the issues was solved, but that still left a lot to be desired. Users were still unable have a background the way they could with Windows 8.

Enter Theme Apps

Apps like Shining Themes and Skinery Themes capitalized on this gap, and essentially allow the user to customize the look of their start screens to be quite attractive. However, being third party apps utilizing a walk-around to achieve the effect, they were quite troublesome to set up, and were limited in ability. They pinned a set of custom...

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